Wednesday, March 20, 2013

what girls want

I'm asked this question a lot, but am never prepared to answer it--"What do girls want?" It's usually preceded by a line of complaints about some failed attempt at dating a girl. I've given it some thought and I really can't say I have an answer. Probably because I'll only know what I want once I've found it.

It's fairly easy to write out a list of what we want in a potential partner: whether it be tall, dark, and handsome, or artistic, or funny, or religious, or a Harley-enthusiast, or a jock, etc... But these lists need to be thrown out. What we really want on paper never proves to be enough because they tend to describe two-dimensional people. We'll meet someone new and check off their personality and be content with what we see, until their other qualities come out and then all of a sudden this happens: "I don't even know you!"

What we think we truly want is someone who is a little bit of everything. This person comes with some or all of the things we love, and more likely than not, plenty of what we loathe. I could describe my perfect man and this person may exist somewhere in the world, but the reality of the situation is that I won't find him in this lifetime. We write to extremes but the people we meet and love tend to be a real mixture of what we want (and don't want).

At the end of the day, I think what we're really looking for is an all-consuming love and passion, a dynamic interaction that exists as both a quiet flame and a blazing fire. And at this point in my life, I'm convinced the only way to find that is to allow a new relationship plenty of time to develop, to the point where we come to know things about the other that they don't even know about themselves. Basically, it ain't gon' be quick or easy!

(On a side note: There's much to be said about open communication in a relationship. I find myself keeping quiet the thoughts that may drive away a potential love interest, but in the end, this doesn't do me any good because I've wasted time that could be spent with the right person. Read: We mustn't extend relationships past their expiration dates.)

p.s. I have no idea what I'm talking about.

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